Thursday, May 27, 2010

Take Me Away

So it's been a while and as a good friend asked me if there were going to be any more posts, I decided to oblige him and write a new one. Although it should be noted that I started on this song a while ago, I just forgot about it.

John Legend's Take Me away:

Take me away from here/Take me away where love is like breathing/I don't care where we go 'long as I'm there with you

As many of you know, I love traveling so as one might expect I love this song mostly because it's about going away and who wouldn't like that? Don't get me wrong I like Nashville but it's getting old just like St. Louis got old with me too (though I will admit there is always a special place in my heart for the STL). Anyways, I like this song because I would love to be taken away to place where love is like breathing, especially because indeed if you're with the right person it doesn't matter where you are, if you're together, you're happy and life is good.

I came to the realization recently that I have been running most of my life whether literally or mentally. It is for this reason that I really love this song. The song talks about a girl who has "been through pain [you] could only dream/nightmares live where you live." And I guess I can relate to that. The feeling that your pain is so great, so extreme that you feel completely alone. I'm no stranger to that feeling and what do we do, in the face of such great pain and misery? We want to be taken away from here, this place of pain and it really doesn't matter where we go as long as we're with that one special person, it is good.

The song is pretty simple but it's message sticks with me. Even in just listening I feel that it takes me away and for a moment everything's alright. It truly has become one of my favourite's for that reason and I am also aware that you can only run away for so long before things catch up with it. It is this part that I'm still wrestling with. So that's all I have for you for now. We'll try to do better with this blog from now on.

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