Friday, April 2, 2010

My Angel Love Doctor

"God send me an angel from the heavens above. Send me angel to heal my broken heart from being in love..... Send me angel to wipe the tears from my eyes.... I had to tell the one that my heart adored that he can't have my love no more..... When all I wanted to do was feel your touch and to give you all of my love but you took my love for granted. Want my lovin now well now you can't have it. O God send me an angel" - "Angel" by Amanda Perez

That's surely my request. But when? When does help for the heartache come? This song makes me think of the Preacher's Wife with Whitney Houston and Denzel fineass Washington. He was her angel sent from heaven. O God please make my angel look like him! But seriously, what can this song possibly tell me and the rest of the readers of the this blog about love? It tells me that love on earth can fall apart. When it falls apart it leaves you hurt, confused, and wondering where the hell do I go from here. Who can I turn to if the one that my heart adored doesn't want my love, our love, any more? I like this songwriter's idea. God. She asks God for an angel. Now I want to make sure God sends me sometime I can hold on to so if it was me I would have just flat out asked God for a new man. But I'm sure that's not the main idea here. The main idea for me is that when love went wrong she asked God. It doesn't matter what she asked him. It just matters that she went to him. Not a club, not a chatline, not her ex-boyfriend. She turned to God. I'm sure she felt that the help that He would provide for her broken heart would be sufficient to heal her love wounds. Maybe not immediately but surely in time God would hear her prayers and send relief to take the pain away. Really. Who better to heal your heart from love than the One who formed your heart with His love? Knowing who will help is the easy answer, but time. How long will He take? Now that is the tough part. I guess I'll know when my angel love doctor finally arrives.

1 comment:

  1. I am convinced that God does not give us what we want but only what we need. Maybe what you want right now is a man but it isn't what you need. That will come in time and this of course requires patience because love is patient, right?
