Thursday, April 8, 2010

I am ready for love

"I'd quickly give my freedom to be held in your captivity"

I love this line. It amazes me. You would give away your freedom to be help captive by another person. Wow. That takes a lot of trust. You can't just give away your freedom to anyone. You have to make sure that person is worthy to hold you not just in captivity but just hold you in general. There is something about a man holding you in just the right way, so tight you feel like he'll never let you go and whatever pain or unhappiness you had just melts away....Damn, you know that feeling? That is probably one of the best feelings in the world. I get chills just thinking about it.

There are other songs like Britney Spears "Slave for You" that touch on this captivity as well. But not like this. I don't know. That's a huge statement. The fact that you would quickly give away something as precious as freedom. You have gotta be someone special if you warrant that.

I love this song because it doesn't hide from the reality of love: all of the joy and the pain. It's got both and if you can weather the pain then well, that's special. Love is so important, so powerful that even despite the past pain and hurt that love has caused I can still say that love is something I want in my life. How empty would life be without it? I can't imagine life without love, whether it's from my parents or friends or someday from that very special someone.

Love can be so consuming. It can truly feel like 'a whole new world' (not to quote Aladdin or anything). It's so beautiful. It can change you. It can heal you. It can make you into someone you never thought you could be.

I love the line: they say watch what you ask for cause you might receive. But if you ask me tomorrow, I'll say the same thing. Yeah, I'm definitely in that place. I want love, plain and simple. The good and bad. So why is that so hard to find? I don't really know, maybe I just haven't given enough 'to prove that I am ready for love.' How do you prove that you're ready for love? I don't have a clue but if anyone has an idea, please let me know because again, I say I want love in my life, true deep, painful love. What is enough to prove I am ready for love?

I feel like in writing I mostly come up with more questions than answers but regardless perhaps knowing the questions is just as important as knowing the answers. I guess time will tell.


  1. I completely agree with you about being held by a man. I think there should be studies done on this subject... Some crazy chemicals have to be released in your brain when you're being held by a particular person; it's like a drug. It makes you happy and it's soothing at the same time. It is undeniably powerful.

  2. Ebony,

    Your question speaks to me. How does one prove that he or she is "ready for love". I guess before that question should be answered we should take a step back and ask who would we prove this to. If you believe that God will be the sender or ultimate source of the new love, then do we attempt to prove our readines to him? Maybe when we have grown to a place where our love for man(kind)mirrors his love for man(kind)we can be proved ready. But that is intense. God's love is intense. His love is unconditional and consistent. How close can our love as simple people really get to mirroring the intensity of his great love? Certain individuals would say that people can not prove anything to God let alone prove how ready they are to love another being for the rest of their life on earth. Something more. How do I prove to God that I am ready to love a man like He loves me when I can not prove to God that I can love Him like he loves me? Maybe that is how we prove we are ready to love-prove to Him at least. We can let our love show that we are ready. An intense, consistent, and unconditonal love actively expressed daily to God will prove our readiness. Even further than that, our daily expression of unordinary God-like love to those around us (friends and foes) can be our proof to God and the rest of the world that we are some Fine Black Women who are ready to love. What do you think?
