Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ne-Yo's Make It Work

I've been told I'm a pessimistic and I guess that's true because I cannot help but look at this song and see the negative. Ne-Yo talks about making it work specifically "we gotta make it work." I cannot help but focus on one word: we. We gotta make it work. It takes two to make a relationship work. It is impossible to do it alone. One of the worse feeling in the world is to feel like you're the only trying to make it work and that your partner isn't. But this is also where it gets confusing because what if your partner is trying but not in the way you want? Then it seems like you are fighting alone even if you aren't. That's such a tough situation to be in (been there, done that).

Ne-Yo also talks about the reality of relationships that isn't pretty. There seems to be no happily-ever after. There will be moments where I am completely in love and there will be moments where I absolutely hate him. That's reality. There's a quote from Scrubs (best show ever) where Carla says that "Every relationship is messed up. What makes it perfect is if you still want to be there when things really suck." I think that is so true. Love takes time and once you're in love, you should do everything in your power to keep it. If you can go through the bad times and still want to be there then your relationship is good. I personally wouldn't say perfect (I am a pessimist after all) but regardless that's a good relationship.

A good relationship takes time and patience. The beginning is always wonderful or at least, that's been my experience. You're finding out about the person, learning all his ins and outs and for me, as a person who loves learning, I love that part. I love understanding what makes someone happy, his hopes, his dreams (then of course, I can find out if I can see myself in those hopes and dreams). I understand relationships take time. It's the patience thing, I struggle with. I'm impatient. I know I have come a very long way in that regard but it's still something I need to work on. There's also an important distinction that I have yet to get. How much patience is enough and how much is too much? Because you can always over do things, you can be too patient and that can be a waste of time, but without patience, you could be rushing into something you have no business doing. I'm aware there needs to be a balance. I'm just not sure what it is. But I am all about figuring it out so I guess that's just something I will hopefully figure out with time.

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