Sunday, June 19, 2011

So Beautiful

Zora is right! It has been way too long since we've posted anything on this blog so I shall provide this week's blog and hopefully we can get this thing up and running!

I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed but EVERYONE is getting married or at least that's what it seems like. As a recent graduate of Belmont :) I have noticed the countless photos of weddings on Facebook, which begs the question when I am going to get married? This question actually cracks me up because I am not the girl who has been planning her wedding since she was 6 or 7 or whatever age. I haven't and I have no plans of starting that now.

But in truth, I am a little jealous. :/ Of what you may ask? Of the fact that these girls are done dating. They are not worried about the: when is he going to call? does he really love me? And all those other questions I constantly ask myself and I can't be alone in this right ladies? I cannot be the only one who sometimes feels insecure even in the best of relationships.

I think the questions come even more when you are dating versus when you're not and for me it's been difficult to keep those questions from harassing me. Sure I'm dating a great guy but am I even ready for marriage? I can say honestly that there has been more than one occasion when I have thought that I would never get married but then again I may have just not been with the right guy.

...which brings us to this week's song "So Beautiful" by Musiq Soulchild. This song talks about being in love with a girl but it's not this temporary love, he wants to give all his love to this girl for the rest of her life and that's what I'm talking about. Committed love and I guess that's the main source of my envy. Married women have committed love for the whole world to see and celebrate. That's on a whole different level than boyfriend girlfriend.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. I love being with Chris and can picture being with him for the rest of my life but the questions still nag me and our relationship has not been easy. Worth it? Yes but sometimes you still wonder. Luckily, we still have time to decide which I guess detracts from the previously explained envy. I can walk away but when you're married, you're with that person for the rest of your life (or you should be).

Right now I'm enjoying figuring out if Chris is the right one for me. I hope he is but I also don't want to rush into the most important decision of my life. We have actually taken it slow which is amazing if you know my track record :/ (not the best)

Taking it slow in a relationship means taking the time to get to know each other and figuring out if you want to go further before feelings get hurt and marriage is much more than the one day in which you celebrate it: the wedding. I am learning more and more that marriage takes work and it's more than "we love each other" at some point you're going to wake up and think that you made a mistake or just not partically like the person you are next to. But what I've also learned is that love is a choice and in marriage you have to make that decision EVERY single day for the rest of your life so I'm definitely not rushing into that kind of decision but it is fun to think about :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sometimes Love Comes Around

Geez its hard to believe no one has posted in the blog in nearly a year. What happened to us guys?? I know I know we have been busy graduating from undergrad, being awesome honor students, and rocking Vanderbilt. Well I'm going to get it started again so with further delay... Here it goes.

"Sometimes love comes around and it knocks you down. Just get back up when it knocks you down." - Keri Hilson

This song is hitting pretty close to home lately. The line above particulary speaks to me. Sometimes love comes around. Sometimes. Isn't that something? Doesn't that suck? Finding someone you love isn't garaunteed thing. There is a possibility that I may never fall in love again, and then there is a possibility that I may fall in love tomorrow. It frustrates me now because I have been wondering when. When is it going to happen again. And is there anything I can do to spend this process up? What do I need to do? But sometimes love comes, and other times... it surely does not.

The second part of this line is also a favorite of mine. When love knocks you down. Isn't that a marvelous feeling. The new love time in your relationship when he makes everything feel all sparkly and tingly inside on a daily basis. The fighting and disagreements haven't started yet, and everything is just ... well good. I'm missing that knocked down feeling. Helloooo. Love, I'm standing right here. Please come knock me down again already! Geez. What does a sista have to do...